Scent marketing

Scent marketing is an effective way to boost your brand and drive up the sales.

Scents surround us everywhere. Pleasant, neutral, pungent or even uncomfortable. Scent also significantly contributes to creating a first impression for the customer.

Scent marketing is a subtle way to affect the customer in pursuit of better business results, increasing customer loyalty and creating a welcoming atmosphere at the points of service. Scent marketing solutions and tools establish a longer lasting emotional connection with the customer.

Research shows that scent marketing improves business results

marketing icon rating
higher service quality rating
marketing icon rating
buyers are more likely to communicate
marketing icon rating
higher rating of cleanliness perception
marketing icon rating
more visitors tend to revisit
marketing icon rating
higher turnover

AROMIKA offers a wide range of fragrance and scent marketing services.

Air freshening service

Our air freshening services not only create a great first impression and ongoing exceptional experiences for your customers, but also help to strengthen your brand identity, increase your competitiveness and positively influence your customer's decisions.